Week Three Questions

What is the difference between a good mathematician and a teacher that is good at teaching maths? 

A mathematician may have all the answers and be able to answer any mathematical question they are faced with. However that doesn’t mean that they will be at all capable of teaching others strategies and ways of working out these difficult questions. A teacher is trained and prepared with pedagogical beliefs and tools that allow them to plan ways of teaching difficult strategies to their class. Whilst this teacher may need to constantly reteach them selves how to solve these problems themselves, the learning of the children will be much greater than if taught by a brilliant mathematical mind who isn’t able to engage the children and create interactive and differentiating ways of teaching. 


What is the difference between a teaching who integrated ICT and a teacher who doesn’t? 

There is a difference between using ICT in the classroom and integrating it into the way the children learn.  One example of ‘using’ ICT would be a teaching who draws and writes on an interactive white board instead of the now outdated white board and has children copy it down. However an example of a teacher who integrated ICT can be easily identifies in the following video. http://www.abc.net.au/news/video/2010/06/18/2931242.htm?site=brisbane

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