


The TPACK model began design in 1999 when technology was simply a tool. Educators went to workshops occasionally to lean how to implement a new program in the classroom environment or to learn how to use a new piece of technology. However it was found that this method didn’t work as teachers struggled to use the ICT with the other components of teaching.

As shown in the provided image, the TPACK model identifies seven components. These being’ Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, Technology Skills, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Technology Pedagogical Knowledge, Technology Content Knowledge, Content Pedagogical and Technological collaboration.

This framework was designed and released in 2006. Allowing educators too see how ICT could be incorporated into their everyday classroom environment. As well as how ICT’s can be used within all subjects.

Dr Matt Kieheir made it clear that what you communicate is as important as how you communicate it.


Mishra.P, Koehier.M. (2011) What is TPACK?. Sydney, Australian

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