
Technology then and now

Whilst researching for the assignment I came across this you tube video made my Laura Swart. It shows blatantly the differences between a classroom with and a classroom without technology.
I loved it; It made it hard as a pre-service teacher to disagree with the integration of ICT in my future classroom.
It shows how far we have come so far with the incorporation of technology in the class room setting and how it is positively affecting the children. I highly recommend giving it a look.


How things Change

This video started off making me grin from ear to ear, whist the rest was still entertaining I came to realize just how much everything has changed.

I can vividly remember as a kid, begging my mum to take my brother and I to the video shop to rent movies, it was an outing for us, we looked forward to it. To us this video shop had EVERY movie ever made. There were lollies you could buy and choose whatever movie you wanted.

But now all you do it log onto iTunes and choose which movie you want, type in your credit card number and its all done. It isn’t the family experience it used to be.

Whist i love my computer, phone, iPad and endless list of electronics, I hadn’t realized the opportunities for those memories that were being erased for the children in the future. Its actually scary to think what it will be like in another 10 years.


Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty Video:
It was quite unbelievable to believe the witness the brilliance and creativity of such a young child. Her ability to create such an amazing science project at her age left me shocked especially considering she is only in grade seven. Her dream to send her Hello Kitty doll into space was achieved and with over 300 000 hits on YouTube, it seems i am not the only one who is impressed.
When i was watching the video I noticed a few different ICT’s that were used in the process. These being;
1 – The use of cameras to film the entire process. (using different angles and zooms to give the desired affect)
2- GPS tracking device that was attached to the hello kitty rocket to allow them to find it when it returned to from the sky
3- Cameras attached to the actual rocket its self to allow everyone to experience just how high the rocket made it
4 – Computers, for the editing and creation of the you tube video.
It also came to my attention that in the editing process radio sound effects were added to dramatize the video and make it sound like an authentic rocket launch.